English Food in Phuket
If you take a look at the Phuket Restaurants section of Jamie's Phuket, you'll see that I mostly enjoy eating Thai food - salads, seafood, noodles, curries and so on. Thai food is great, Thai food is fantastic, Thai food is one of the things that makes living in Thailand so enjoyable, but somewhere deep down I think I have an "English food" gene that occasionaly craves an English breakfast, some bangers and mash, baked potatoes, cheese and Branston pickle sandwiches (with thick crusty bread). This gene is mostly inactive, but I sometimes get cravings. I went through a Branston craving a couple of years ago. Any family member or friend visiting Phuket was asked to bring more Branston. I recently had a pickled onion craving too. And I must say a packet of chocolate Hob Nobs would be most welcome any time. Thanks to the web site Nice Cup of Tea and a Sit Down for reminding me of Hob Nobs. Oh and Fig Rolls, mmmmm. Damn, can someone send me some Fig Rolls? Wish I hadn't thought about that now. Got another craving.
Update... someone did bring me some Fig Rolls. Thank you! See here: FIG ROLLS!
Update 2... and somebody brought me Hob Nobs! See : I've Been Nobbled!
A can of John Smiths would be nice too!

Now, I know some expats who hardly eat Thai food at all, and there are many restaurants in Phuket catering to foreigners and expats, selling English food, German food, Swedish food, Italian food etc... I am happy with Thai food almost all the time, but this last week I have had some cravings, and have twice visited the Pineapple Guesthouse in Karon for large servings of that most wonderfully English, greasy spoon cafe special - Eggs, Bacon, Chips and Beans. A food so wonderful that a blog about it won an award in 2006 - See eggbaconchipsandbeans.

The Pineapple Guesthouse is English owned and Steve has just finished moving everything out of the old "Pineapple 1" into the newer "Pineapple 2". Finally he got a couple of tables outside and some big beach umbrellas to shade customers from the unrelenting lunchtime sun, so now I think I will be round there a couple of times a month to preempt my cravings. I've just been today. I think this nicely balances the days when I have the local Phad Thai, or a big curry at Mama Noi - and all these places are just a few minutes from work! Well, I guess I'll be back on the Phad Kana Moo Grob tomorrow. That's a real plus point about living in Phuket - you can easily switch between local food and "farang" food. Whatever you want you can get it here!
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